Southlake Health Foundation Celebrates the Lunar New Year and Donor Impact
Innovation and first-in-Canada achievements made possible at the hospital by donor generosity.
Newmarket, ON – As communities across York Region and the GTA celebrate the Lunar New Year, Southlake Health Foundation is expressing gratitude to the thousands of donors who have shared their generosity and prosperity over the last year, investing in the health and well-being of our families, friends, and neighbours through donations to Southlake Health.
“As the home of multiple regional programs, Southlake Health cares for patients as far south as North York, including Markham, and Richmond Hill, to as far north as Muskoka. We are so lucky then to be supported by those grateful for the leading edge care they have received, and that support has made incredible impact over the last year,” says Jennifer Ritter, President and CEO of Southlake Health Foundation.
Donor impact was felt in programs across Southlake Health, including:
- The Maternal Child Program – Southlake Health Foundation was able to complete our Homeward Campaign in support of babies and families, raising over $2.54 million (exceeding the $2 million goal). Generous donations helped to bring specialized, state-of-the-art equipment to our Neonatal and Birthing Units to care for babies and their unique needs. Southlake Health delivers over 2,600 babies every year and delivered the first baby in York Region in 2025.
- The Regional Cancer Centre – With donor support, Southlake Health was able to bring Canada’s first Elekta Harmony Linear Accelerator (LINAC) for radiation therapy to our communities. This addition to the program helps to ensure Southlake Health continues to be one of the top three cancer centres in Ontario.
- The Regional Cardiac Care Program – Southlake Health’s program is the fourth-largest comprehensive heart program in Ontario, providing pioneering cardiac care to thousands of members of our communities. Donors’ generous support helped to acquire echocardiogram (cardiac ultrasound) equipment, ensuring our experts have leading edge technology, and two heart-lung machines used during cardiac surgeries.
- This year, Southlake Health became the first hospital in North America to successfully implant over 1,000 sutureless heart valves, using the Perceval valve. The Perceval valve is the only fully sutureless heart valve currently used in aortic valve replacement surgery around the world. The surgery was completed by Dr. Kevin Teoh, a leading cardiac surgeon who also implanted the first Perceval valve in North America.
- The Emergency Department – Southlake Health was recently identified as one of Ontario’s first Level III Trauma Centres with a highly skilled and multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. Through the generosity of our donors, Southlake is supporting this amazing team, and our communities, by expanding and renewing our Emergency Department. Through the ‘Future is Now’ Southlake Gala presented by Treasure Hill, $3.68 million was raised to begin upgrading spaces, and making critical equipment and technology replacements to help Southlake deliver care to you and your loved ones, more efficiently, and help to address the pressure of our growing population.
“A new year is a time of hope and good fortune. Southlake Health has a bright future ahead of us as we aim to continue delivering the advanced, uniquely compassionate patient experiences and outcomes Southlake is known for, while striving to meet the ever-expanding needs of the communities we proudly serve. That is only made possible through the generous support of our communities, and we are so grateful,” said Jennifer Ritter. “From all of us at Southlake Health Foundation, we wish everyone a healthy and prosperous new year.”

Celebrating the successes and impacts of the last year at Southlake Health – Dr. Kevin Teoh, of Southlake Health’s Regional Cardiac Care Program, performed a North American first heart procedure, as donors support advanced equipment within the program.

Generous community donors supported Southlake Health in bringing state-of-the-art technology to our Cancer Centre with Canada’s first Elekta Harmony Linear Accelerator (LINAC) for radiation therapy.
安大略省纽马克 (Newmarket) – 在约克区和大多伦多地区的社区庆祝农历新年之际,南湖健康基金会(Southlake Health Foundation)向数千名捐助者表示感谢,他们在过去的一年里慷慨解囊,向南湖健康( Southlake Health)大力捐款,为我们的家人、朋友和邻居的健康和福祉投入大量资金。
南湖健康基金会总裁兼首席执行官詹妮弗·里特( Jennifer Ritter) 表示,“作为约克区多个项目的所在地,南湖健康为南至北约克(包括万锦和列治文山)和北至莫斯考卡(Muskoka)的患者提供治疗。我们感到很幸运,因为众多接受了前沿治疗的人们为了感谢我们,给与了我们强力支持,他们的支持在过去的一年里产生了令人难以置信的影响。”
- 母婴项目——南湖健康基金会完成了支持婴儿和家庭的回家活动(Homeward Campaign),筹集了超过254 万加元,超过了200 万加元的目标。慷慨的捐款帮助我们为新生儿和分娩科引进了最先进的专业设备,以照顾婴儿及其独特的需求。南湖健康每年接生超过 2,600 名婴儿,并接生了 2025 年约克区的第一个婴儿。
- 约克区癌症中心 – 在捐助者的支持下,南湖健康为我们的社区带来了加拿大首个用于放射治疗的 Elekta Harmony 直线加速器 (LINAC)。 这个项目的增加,帮助南湖健康继续成为安大略省三大癌症中心之一。
- 约克区心脏治疗项目 – 南湖健康的项目是安大略省第四大综合心脏项目,为我们社区的数千名成员提供最先进的心脏治疗。捐助者的慷慨支持帮助我们获得了超声心动图(心脏超声)设备,确保我们的专家拥有领先的技术,以及两台供心脏手术使用的心肺机。
- 今年,南湖健康成为北美第一家使用 Perceval 瓣膜成功植入 1,000 多个无缝线心脏瓣膜的医院。 Perceval 瓣膜是目前全球唯一用于主动脉瓣置换手术的完全无缝线心脏瓣膜。该手术由领先的心脏外科医生凯文·特(Kevin Teoh)医生完成,他还植入了北美第一例 Perceval 瓣膜。
- 南湖健康急诊科最近被认定为安大略省首批三级创伤中心之一,它拥有一支高技能、多学科的医疗保健专业人员团队。通过捐助者的慷慨解囊,南湖健康正在通过扩大和更新我们的急诊科来支持这个出色的团队和我们的社区。通过宝藏山(Treasure Hill)举办的“未来就是现在”南湖庆典,筹集了 368 万加元,用于开始升级空间、更换关键设备和技术,以帮助南湖更有效地为您和您的亲人提供治疗,并帮助应对我们不断增长的人口带来的压力。
詹妮弗·里特( Jennifer Ritter) 说道,“新的一年是充满希望和好运的时刻。 南湖健康有着光明的未来,我们的目标是继续提供南湖健康闻名的先进、独特且富有同情心的患者体验和结果,同时努力满足我们自豪服务的社区不断扩大的需求。这只有通过我们社区的慷慨支持才能实现,我们非常感谢。南湖健康基金会的所有人祝愿大家新年身体健康、事业发达。”