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A couple hold hands and laugh to each other in a waiting room. Text reads "Here is where Bill and Elizabeth fought cancer. Together."

Grateful Patient Stories


In 2013, Jamie Pimek was worried he had an ulcer. The Newmarket business leader was 31, healthy and active, so he attributed the pain in his stomach to work stress. But that pain wouldn’t go away.

It wasn’t until his family doctor sent him to Southlake for a colonoscopy that he began to think the unthinkable…



In 2022, 48 year-old Melanie — a wife, mother, and business development professional — was experiencing breast pain and casually mentioned it to her family physician during a routine annual exam.

As a precaution, Melanie’s doctor ordered a mammogram to check things out. She could never have imagined the whirlwind that would ensue…


Bill & Elizabeth

Bill and Elizabeth were sitting at the table together, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary when they received a call that would change their lives.

The mole that Elizabeth had biopsied was confirmed as melanoma. She was scheduled for surgery the next day…



When Tania accompanied her mother at the Stronach Regional Cancer Centre at Southlake for treatment, she never imagined that she would be returning for her youngest child, Alyssa.

In 2021 at only three years old, Alyssa was tired, in pain and had blue lips…


Carolyn & Bridget

For Carolyn and Bridget, Southlake is a family affair. That’s why when both Carolyn and Bridget were diagnosed with breast cancer less than a year apart, they knew Southlake was where they would care without hesitation…



It’s hard to believe that Mike has faced not one, but two, life-threatening cancer diagnoses, and has continued to share his story of compassionate care, community, and perseverance to inspire so many others to give back…