In the spirit of transparency and accountability to the many communities we serve, Southlake Health is pleased to provide a variety of information relating to our performance.
Annual Report
Balanced Scorecard
Emergency Preparedness
Financials and Operations
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption
Indicators and Performance
Service Accountability Agreements
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
Leading edge care. By your side.
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The Balanced Scorecard allows us to track progress against the intended outcomes of our strategic goals outlined in our 2025-2034 Strategy. This provides transparency on Southlake Health’s performance and includes an explanation of why each indicator is important, what our results to date indicate, and specific actions we are planning. We will release an updated Balanced Scorecard quarterly.
Current Scorecard Results
Emergency preparedness is essential to minimizing, mitigating, responding to and recovering from an emergency or disaster. Southlake Health is vulnerable to a number of both internal hazards (i.e. hazardous spills, cyber-attacks or infrastructure emergencies) as well as external hazards (i.e. community disasters, severe weather, etc.). Maintaining an “all-hazards” strengths-based approach emergency preparedness program will ensure the organization is able to maintain critical services when an emergency occurs.
Emergency Preparedness Resources
- Opens in a new tabEmergency Preparedness – Public Health Ontario
- Opens in a new tabContinuity Planning and Emergency Preparedness for Business
- Opens in a new tabEmergency Preparedness – Town of Newmarket
Emergency Codes
The following code words have been designated to clearly communicate to all staff, clients and visitors that an emergency situation is taking place or is imminent. In the event of an emergency take direction from staff and/or emergency services.
2023-24 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
Past Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements
2022-23 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
2022-23 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
2021-22 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
2021-22 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
2020-21 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
2020-21 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements
2019-20 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2018-19 Annual Report and Financial Statements
Vital Signs/Program Stats
2017-18 Annual Report and Financial Statements
Vital Signs/Program Stats
2016-17 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2015-16 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2014-15 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2013-14 Annual Report and Financial Statements
- Opens in a new tabAudited Financial Statements 2013-14
- Opens in a new tabReport from the Board Chair
- Opens in a new tabReport from the Treasurer
- Opens in a new tabReport from the President and CEO
- Opens in a new tabReport from the Chief of the Medical Staff
- 406 Beds
- 24,782 In-patient Admissions (141,762 In-patient days)
- 352,999 Out-Patient visits
- 6,116 Cardiac Catheterizations
- 2,176 Perciteous Coronary Interventions
- 1,050 Cardiac Surgeries
- 1,084 Pacemakers/Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators implanted
- 712 Electrophysiology Studies
Regional Cancer Program
- 24,867 Radiation treatments
- 9,515 Chemotherapy treatments
- 68 new projects in 2013-14
- 202 research studies currently underway
Diagnostic Imaging
- 329,689 Diagnostic Exams
- 15,533 MRI scans
- 25,113 CT scans
Emergency Department
- 98,327 Emergency room visits
Maternal Child
- 2,639 Babies born
Family Medicine Teaching Unit
- 18 Residents
- 353 applications for 9 positions (Canadian Medical Grads)
- 1329 applications for 2 positions (International Medical Grads)
Our People
- 2995 Staff
- 530 Doctors
- 681 Students
- 1,104 Volunteers
- 109,029 hours donated by volunteers
- 537 Nursing (RN/RPN/MN/NP)
- 108 Allied Health
- 36 Non-clinical
2012-13 Annual Report and Financial Statements
- Opens in a new tabAudited Financial Statements
- Opens in a new tabReport from the Board Chair
- Opens in a new tabReport from the Treasurer
- Opens in a new tabReport from the President and CEO
- Opens in a new tabReport from the Chief of Medical Staff
- 406 Beds
Regional Cardiac Care Program
- 5832 Cardiac Catheterizations
- 1992 Perciteous Coronary Interventions
- 1014 Cardiac Surgeries
- 1026 Pacemakers/Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators implanted
- 699 Electrophysiology Studies
Regional Cancer Program
- 24,738 radiation treatments
- 8,389 chemotherapy treatments
- 70 new projects in 2011-12
- 270 research studies currently underway
Diagnostic Imaging
- 331,847 Diagnostic Exams
- 15,554 MRI scans
- 23,673 CT scans
Emergency Department
- 93,922 emergency room visits
Maternal Child
- 2632 babies born
Child and Adolescent Easting Disorders Program
- 175 cases treated on an outpatient basis
- 2 dedicated inpatient beds to support the program
Family Medicine Teaching Unit
- 291 applications for 9 positions in the residency program
Organ/Tissue Donation
- 4 organ donors
- 47 tissue donors
- 12 lives saved through organ donation
- 332 potential lives enhanced through tissue donation
Our People
- 3076 Staff
- 530 Doctors
- 595 Students
- 971 Volunteers
- 97,505 hours donated by volunteers
- 470 Nursing (RN/RPN/MN/NP)
- 92 Allied Health
- 29 Non-clinical
- 4 Research
2011-12 Annual Report and Financial Statements
Vital Signs
Regional Cardiac Care Program
- 5783 Cardiac Catheterizations
- 1971 Perciteous Coronary Interventions
- 998 Cardiac Surgeries
- 663 Pacemakers implanted
- 316 Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators implanted
- 651 electrophysiology Studies
- 542 Ablations
Regional Cancer Program
- 57 400 patient visits
- 19300 radiation treatments
- 7700 chemotherapy treatments
Thoracic Surgery
- 230 lung cancer surgeries
- 29 esophagus cancer
Family Medicine Teaching Unit
- 268 applications for 9 positions in the residency program
- 70 new projects in 2011-12
- 270 research studies currently underway
Diagnostic Imaging
- 320,000 Diagnostic Exams
- 13,000 MRI scans
- 22,000 CT scans
- Emergency Department
- 86,000 emergency room visits
Maternal Child
- 2644 babies born
- 51% boys
- 49% girls
- 47 sets of twins
- 44% of of births were to new mothers
- 472 babies received care in the Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
- Child and Adolescent Easting Disorders Program
- 175 cases treated on an out-patient basis
- 2 dedicated in-patient beds to support the program
Organ/Tissue Donation
- 40 organ and tissue donors
- 28 lives saved with donated organs
- 60 lives enhanced with tissue recovery
Our People
- 3074 Staff
- 540 Doctors
- 830 Students
- 894 Volunteers
- 95,000 hours donated by volunteers
2010-11 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2009-10 Annual Report and Financial Statements
Broader Public Sector Accountability Act
As a requirement of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, all hospitals are required to publicly post a number of documents. We are pleased to share the following policies and attestation:
Executive Compensation
To review salaries and paid benefits for all members of Southlake’s Executive Team, please visit the Public Sector Salary Disclosure section (Sunshine List) on the Ministry of Finance’s website.
If additional information is required, please contact Southlake’s Access and Privacy Office at or at 905-895-4521, extension 2321.
Executive Expenses
Expense Reports
R. Bull
C. Cecchini
- 2022-23
T. Chalk
- 2024-25
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
E. Ferguson
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
M. Harris
P. Horgan
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
A. Krystal
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
D. Makary
- 2024-25
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
D. McNally
J. Marshman
- 2024-25
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
W. Miller
- 2024-25
K. Popovich
- 2024-25
A. Soheili
B. Steed
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
C. van Schaik
- 2024-25
- 2023-24
- 2022-23
P. Woods
Please click the links below to read the reports.
Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2024
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting, 2020
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting, 2019
Southlake Health is committed to improving the quality of our health care and services.
While we constantly strive to provide safe and effective care, we recognize that there is always more we can do.
As part of our commitment to provide quality healthcare, Southlake Health meets all mandatory reporting requirements of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and actively participates in a number of external studies, surveys, and reports which help to make us accountable to the communities we serve, and to allow us to compare our performance to our peers.
Please check back often as we regularly update the page with new information and results.
Publicly Reported Patient Safety Indicators (August 2024)
Annual Patient Safety Indicators
Patient Safety Public Reporting
We encourage you to visit the Health Quality Ontario website, which contains information about patient safety at hospitals across Ontario. The purpose of the site is to make information about Ontario hospitals accessible and useful to patients and their families, to help you participate in the management of your own health care.
Visit Health Quality Ontario.
Hospital Services Accountability Agreement
Under The Commitment to the Future of Medicare Act, 2004, all Hospitals in the Province of Ontario are required to sign an annual Hospital Services Accountability Agreement (HSAA). This HSAA requires that the Hospital achieve a balanced budget position, as well as outlines other financial and performance obligations that the hospital has pledged to meet. Below are links to Southlake Health’s Agreements.
Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreements
The Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreements (M-SSAA) outlines the responsibilities of community health service providers and the Central Local Health Integration Network select the organization you are interested in to view their finalized accountability agreement.
Southlake Health develops an annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) as mandated by the Excellent Care of All Act (EFCAA). More information on the ECFAA can be found on the
Once approved by our Board of Directors and our President & CEO, the QIP is submitted to the Ontario Health Quality Council to assist in province-wide reporting. The QIP is also to be posted on our website in order to highlight for our community Southlake Health’s commitment to:
- delivering high quality health care;
- creating a positive patient experience;
- ensuring that it is responsive and accountable to the public;
- holding its executive team accountable for its achievement; and
- being transparent.
QIPs & Progress Reports
2024-25 Quality Improvement Plan
2023-24 Progress Report
2024-25 Work Plan
2019-20 Quality Improvement Plan
2018-19 Progress Report
2018-19 Quality Improvement Plan
2017-18 Progress Report
2017-18 Quality Improvement Plan
Quality Improvement Plan at a glance***
2016-17 Progress Report
2016-17 Quality Improvement Plan